Exploring Hidden Italy

Undiscovered gems in the heart of Italy: 281 Orange Flag Towns offering wonderful visitor experiences


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Exploring Hidden Italy
UitgavedatumDecember 2024



December 2024 | TCI | 9788836581962
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Surprise encounters on impromptu detours: discover these little-known towns where the traffic melts away and you move about on foot, all in a splendid hidden Italy.

Close contact with nature, an easy-going pace and mouth-watering local cuisine...

Showcasing 281 superb inland destinations boasting Touring Club Italiano Orange Flag status, this guidebook provides the means and inspiration to explore the heart of Italy, each town being worthy of a visit, a stay or a stopover. Grouped into 40 areas with similar geographical and historical features, they form a starting point for a longer trip, travelling perhaps from one town to another and exploring an entire zone. This guide describes the unique characteristics of each Orange Flag Town, listing must-see sights and providing info for further investigation.