Kaarten en gidsen > Wandelen > Wandelgidsen > Europa > Britse Eilanden > Groot-Brittannië > Schotland > de Schotse Hooglanden (ten noorden van Glasgow / Edinburgh) > Fort William & Lochaber
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Pocket Mountains Ltd
| 9781907025457
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Deel uit een serie kleine pocket wandelgidsjes, die opvallen door de aardige lay-out. Korte routebeschrijvingen, eenvoudige kaartjes en compacte praktische info, leuk geïllustreerd. | With the historic town of Fort William at its heart, Lochaber boasts some of Scotland's most celebrated mountains and glens, beautiful sea lochs and, on the craggy west coast, dazzling white sandy beaches. Ben Nevis may draw the crowds, but with countless miles of lower-level paths and tracks to explore there is far more than Britain's highest mountain for walkers to enjoy in the region which lays claim to the title of ‘the Outdoor Capital of the UK’.This guide features 40 varied walks that take in the very best of Lochaber. From the iconic Glencoe and Glen Nevis to the wild lands of Ardnamurchan and Moidart, there is something for everyone in this diverse selection of routes.
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