Kaarten en gidsen > Wandelen > Wandeltochten > Meerdaagse wandelroutes > Europa > Britse Eilanden > Groot-Brittannië > Wales > Offa's Dyke Path, Walking the | wandelgids
Offa's Dyke Path, Walking the | wandelgids
through the border country of England & Wales
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April 2021 | Cicerone Press
| 9781852847760
| the complete long distance walk
| ca. 12 x 17 cm
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A handy guidebook for anyone walking the Offas Dyke National Trail Path. The 170 mile long-distance walk along the English / Welsh border from Chepstow to Prestatyn is split into 15 stages, and designed to allow some flexibility in following the official trail. The earthwork dyke was constructed by King Offa of Mercia in the 8th century.
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