Kaarten en gidsen > Wandelen > Wandeltochten > Meerdaagse wandelroutes > Europa > Britse Eilanden > Groot-Brittannië > Engeland > Noordwest-Engeland > Pennine Way South | wandelkaart 1:40.000
Pennine Way South | wandelkaart 1:40.000
scheur- en watervaste wandelkaart
direct leverbaar!
- Zeer ruim assortiment
- Verzending 1-2 werkdagen
- Niet tevreden, geld terug
- Ruilen binnen 14 dagen
2022 | Harvey Maps
| 9781851376162
| from Edale to Middleton-in-Teesdale
Extra titelinformatie
The whole of the Pennine Way on just 2 maps! The Pennine Way is a National Trail. It follows the backbone of England from the Peak District to the Scottish borders. It is one of the toughest UK long distance footpaths, and forms part of the European Footpath Network. The Pennine Way was Britain's first National Trail, opened in 1965. Just 2 HARVEY maps cover the whole 431km (268 miles) route. Each starts and finishes near public transport, so no hassle with getting lifts. Each also contains lots of information and useful telephone numbers to assist the walker with planning. Tough, light, durable and 100% waterproof - Includes Rights of Way - Genuine original HARVEY mapping - Route clearly marked. Technical specification: Scale: 1:40,000, Ratio: 2.5cm = 1km, Flat size: 928 x 486mm, Folded size: 116 x 243mm, Weight: 40gms, Double sided. Format: strip map.
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