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Rough Guide Naples & the Amalfi Coast
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Juni 2023 | Rough Guide
| Rough Guides
| 9781839058455
| Martin Dunford
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Uitgebreide en goed gedocumenteerde reisinformatie over Napels. Achtergrondhoofdstukken over maatschappij en cultuur, plus zeer veel praktische info omtrent vervoer en verblijf, voor uiteenlopende budgetten. Goede, kritische beschrijvingen van alle bezienswaardigheden en toeristische mogelijkheden. Mooi geïllustreerd en met stadsplattegronden en overzichtskaartjes. Prettige, vlotte schrijfstijl. | "The Rough Guide to Naples and the Amalfi Coast" is the second edition of this best-selling guide. Now in full colour, the book covers both the city of Naples and the surrounding region in equal detail. It includes a detailed account of the city itself, with in-depth reviews of all the sights, the best hotels, restaurants and nightlife, as well as all the colour maps you need to get around. It also covers the must-see sights of Vesuvius, Pompeii and Herculaneum, including all the practical information you need to see them independently, and it tours the islands of the Bay of Naples, and the resorts of the stunning Amalfi Coast. Throughout it devotes attention to the very best things to see while candidly reviewing the region's accommodation and restaurants. Make the most of this dynamic city and beautiful coastal region with "The Rough Guide to Naples and the Amalfi Coast".
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