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Scotland - Campsites and Caravan Parks Map
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2023 | Scottish Camping.Com Ltd
| 9780955304972
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Handige kaart van Schotland met nadrukkelijke aanduiding van campings. Daarnaast wordt op de achterkant per camping veel info verstrekt over ligging, faciliteiten, adres, e.d. Bovendien is het een handige wegenkaart. | Scotland Campsites and Caravan Parks map is the most comprehensive directory for tent, motor-home and caravan travellers in Scotland, and a practical resource either for those planning to visit Scotland for the first time, or those with some knowledge of the country. Alongside displaying the locations of over official 400 sites, this easy to use touring map provides essential information on the units accepted at each site along with contact details. Other facilities for each site, such as pets allowed, are also noted.The map, which folds to a handy travel size, also features airports, roads, rail and ferry routes and helpfully lists cycle routes, long distance footpaths and national parks for the travellers' convenience. It has a protective cover to withstand weather conditions while in Scotland.
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