Kaarten en gidsen > Wandelen > Wandeltochten > Meerdaagse wandelroutes > Europa > Britse Eilanden > Groot-Brittannië > Engeland > Noordoost-Engeland > St Oswald's Way and St Cuthbert's Way | wandelgids *
St Oswald's Way and St Cuthbert's Way | wandelgids *
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2019 | Cicerone Press
| 9781852848392
| ca. 12 x 17 cm
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In easy stages, this guidebook describes three diverse long-distance trails leading through Northumberland and the Borders; St Oswald’s Way, St Cuthbert’s Way and the Northumberland Coastal Path. From rugged hills to sandstone outcrops and heather moorland to coastal dunes, this is one of Britain’s most beautiful landscapes for walking and backpacking far away from it all. St Oswald’s Way (97 miles) stretches from Heavenfield on Hadrian’s Wall to Holy Island (also known as Lindisfarne) off the Northumberland coast. St Cuthbert’s Way (62 miles) begins in Melrose in the Borders and also leads to Holy Island. Both trails pass through the Northumberland National Park and the Northumberland Coast Area of Outstanding National Beauty. Each trail can be walked within one week. Illustrated with photos and maps.
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