Kaarten en gidsen > Wandelen > Wandelgidsen > Europa > Britse Eilanden > Groot-Brittannië > Engeland > West Country > The isles of Scilly | wandelgids
The isles of Scilly | wandelgids
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Januari 2021 | Cicerone Press
| 9781786311047
| ca. 12 x 17 cm
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Engelstalige gids in handig vestzakformaat. Bevat gedetailleerde routebeschrijvingen, veel praktische (verblijfs-)informatie voor onderweg en leuke tips en wetenswaardigheden. Kaartjes zijn vrij summier. *** Basking in sunshine, rising green and pleasant from the blue Atlantic Ocean, fringed by rugged cliffs and sandy beaches, the Isles of Scilly are a joy to explore. The isles reveal their charms to those who walk the headlands, sail from island to island, and take time to observe the sights, sounds and scents of the landscape. * 11 walks on the main islands – plus four boat trips to outlying islands* routes illustrated with OS mapping* background information on the history, geology and natural environment of the islands* practical details of travel and accommodation* fully updated second edition of this popular guide
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