Vilnius 1:10.000 / 1:25.000


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Vilnius 1:10.000 / 1:25.000
Uitgavedatum 2018



2018 | Jana Seta | 9789984075983
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Vilnius on a waterproof and tear-resistant, indexed street plan from the Riga-based publishers Jana Seta, including on the reverse side an enlargement of the city centre and a diagram of the public transport lines. On one side Vilnius with its outer districts is shown at 1:25,000. On the reverse the city centre is presented in greater detail at 1:10,000. Both plans indicate principal traffic arteries, one way streets, car parks and locations of petrol stations. The plans also show bus and trolleybus routes with stops and line numbers. Streets are annotated with selected house numbers for easier identification of addresses. Symbols indicate various places of interest and facilities including embassies. The city centre enlargement also prominently highlights locations of the capital’s 15 best sights, plus selected hotels. Map legend includes English. Also provided is a diagram of the bus and trolleybus network.