Kaarten en gidsen > Wandelen > Wandelgidsen > Europa > Britse Eilanden > Groot-Brittannië > Schotland > de Schotse Hooglanden (ten noorden van Glasgow / Edinburgh) > wandelgids Corbetts Vol 1 South of the Great Glen, Walking the
wandelgids Corbetts Vol 1 South of the Great Glen, Walking the
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2012 | Cicerone Press
| 9781852846527
| South of the Great Glen
| Brian Johnson
| ca. 12 x 17 cm
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This first volume describes the most interesting ascents of the 112 peaks south of the Great Glen, in 95 routes. What is a Corbett? The Corbetts are peaks in Scotland between 2500 and 2999ft in height, with a drop of 500ft on all sides. The routes described here are not necessarily for the peak bagger who just wants the shortest and easiest way up the mountain; they’re for the walker who wants the best, most interesting route up the wildest glen or along the most dramatic ridges. This first volume of a two-volume guidebook to all the Corbetts describes the best ascents of the 112 Corbetts south of the Great Glen, in 95 routes. Includes the Southern Uplands, Southern Highlands, Cairngorms and also the islands of Jura and Arran. Divided into 11 sections, each walkable in a fortnight. Illustrated with 1:100 custom mapping based on OS data.
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