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wandelgids Cotswolds, Walking in the
30 Classic Hill and Valley Routes
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April 2021 | Cicerone Press
| 9781852848330
| ca. 12 x 17 cm
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Engelstalige gids in handig vestzakformaat. Bevat gedetailleerde routebeschrijvingen, veel praktische (verblijfs-)informatie voor onderweg en leuke tips en wetenswaardigheden. Kaartjes zijn vrij summier. *** This guidebook is a passionate introduction to all that is great about exploring England's idyllic Cotswolds AONB on foot, describing 30 circular day walks, 14 of which include sections of the Cotswold Way National Trail. Idyllic as its honey-coloured villages are, backed with their gentle, rounded hills, the Cotswolds has so much more to offer than the chocolate box cliches. The second-largest protected landscape in England is also full of tough little hills, hidden valleys, places of genuine wildness and the epic views from the Edge - a dramatic escarpment which makes up the most prominent part of the country's largest continuous geological feature.For historical interest there are also dramatic hillforts, mysterious long barrows and stone circles as well as castles, follies and stately homes. The Cotswolds hill chain is sometimes dismissed by veteran walkers, but there are testing gradients here, and the views from the tops are wide-ranging. If you want to visit spectacular locations without too much strenuousness, it's easily done with this guide.If you want a thigh-burning hilly workout, that's easily done too. Set the cliches to one side. This is hill country.
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