Kaarten en gidsen > Wandelen > Wandeltochten > Meerdaagse wandelroutes > Europa > Britse Eilanden > Groot-Brittannië > Wales > Noord-Wales, Anglesey, Snowdonia > wandelkaart North Wales Coast Path 1:25.000
wandelkaart North Wales Coast Path 1:25.000
from Chester to Bangor
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2022 | Northern Eye Books
| 9781908632586
Extra titelinformatie
One of seven handy, lightweight, pocket sized map books covering the whole of the 870 mile/1400 kilometre Wales Coast Path.This volume covers North Wales from Chester to Bangor and includes enhanced large scale (1:25,000) Ordnance Survey mapping in a handy atlas format, with extracts from large scale Explorer maps 266, 265, 264 and OL17.The official route of the Wales Coast Path is highlighted and on-map symbols show amenities at main towns and villages. There is an introduction and additional useful information.
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