Kaarten en gidsen > Wandelen > Wandeltochten > Meerdaagse wandelroutes > Europa > Zuid-Europa / Middellandse Zee > Spanje > Balearen > Mallorca > wandelkaart Serra de Tramuntana (Mallorca)
wandelkaart Serra de Tramuntana (Mallorca)
, set van 4 wandelkaarten 1:25.000 met intekening van de GR-221
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2024 | Editorial Alpina
| 9788470111006
Extra titelinformatie
Set van vier mooie gedetailleerde wandelkaarten (twee dubbelzijdig bedrukte bladen), scheur- en watervast, met o.m. de langeafstandswandelroute GR221. | Mallorca’s Serra de Tramuntana mountains presented by Editorial Alpina at 1:25,000 on a set of two light, waterproof and tear-resistant, contoured and GPS compatible, double-sided maps with an overprint for local hiking trails, GR221 long-distance route, sites for various outdoor activities, accommodation options, etc. Coverage extends from Andratx to Cap de Formentor and Alcúcida. The maps have contours at 10m intervals, relief shading and numerous spot heights, plus colouring to show different types of vegetation. An overprint highlights walking trails, indicating routes which are not waymarked and/or steep and difficult to follow. Symbols show locations of mountain refuges, campsites and other accommodation, climbing and canyoning sites, etc. Road network indicates car parks, petrol stations and local bus stops. An enlargement shows the Sanctuari de Lluc area in greater detail at 1:10,000. The maps have a 1-km UTM grid plus latitude and longitude margin ticks at 1’ intervals. Map legend includes English.
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